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My name is Sofia Su

I am amazed at the endless possibilities you can do in this world as long as you got confidence, curiosity, positivity, and are not afraid to fail and make a fool of yourself. This is how I choose to see the world and live by. I am a firm believer you create your own reality, so welcome to mine. This is my story.


With my Vietnamese and Chinese heritage, I have been hardworking since I was 15, born with discipline and numbers are my best friend. But it has also made me an outcast when going to a very white Norwegian school. Which in retrospect has taught me to not give a fuck what other people think, find my values, cherish being unique, and gave me the backbone to truly be weird and do what I want.

I am profoundly grateful for the privilege of living in Norway and the support of my white, conservative, and mid-wealthy grandparents. Yet, my true privilege lies in the unwavering love and acceptance from my mother and family. This foundation has given me the confidence to trust myself and pursue my goals with determination. I have seen that you can truly achieve whatever you set your mind to. 

Creativity and responsibility are at the core of who I have become. While my time at BI Norwegian Business School provided a standardized education in Entrepreneurship and Economics, entrepreneurship was rather something I was born to do (possible to insert star alignment reasons here). My passion lies in seeing solutions, driving efficiency, and creating—whether it’s building businesses, organizing events, or fostering community. I am, unequivocally, a creator.

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Leadership is a role that I naturally embody, often unwillingly. Through founding my first business, I realized that the true challenge of leadership is not merely the workload, but the immense responsibility and constant problem-solving it entails. This responsibility often inspires others to offer genuine support, recognizing the dedication I have towards the well-being of others. For me, true leadership balances empathy and progressive thinking, steering clear of traditional patriarchal and hierarchical norms.  So my journey as a leader has been progressive, empathic, and radical compared to what I have seen as "normal" in different industries.  It is a journey as you consistently learn new things about yourself and others.  


My leadership philosophy is to recognize individual talents and provide the freedom to experiment, fail, and thrive. Where my role is to offer support, love, a community, and motivation. Contrary to conventional wisdom, I blend business and pleasure, inviting friends, dates, and lovers into my ventures. This approach nurtures empathy, joy, and a sense of ownership. Here is effective communication paramount, fostering an environment where everyone feels empowered to express their needs, boundaries, and emotions, and learning how to solve conflicts through somatic practices that build relationships. I have come to the conclusion I am building communities and chosen cultural families, not corporate businesses. I am building a space with a deeper sense of meaning, a healthy impact on our society and creating a reality that I can be proud of.  

Authenticity guides my path. I listen to my body and instincts, approaching decisions with a logical and straightforward mindset, and liberated from shame or stigma. However, understanding others people's emotions and energy is something that didn't come naturally to me and is a continuous learning process for me. Going through extensive somatic therapy has helped a lot in 2023, and I am eager to learn more!  At the end of the day, I trust my gut feeling and embrace mistakes as vital learning opportunities. Who really defines what is good and what is bad? It's all about perspective. 


My love language is action. I have been told if you want to be my friend you have to work with me because that is the only time you will see me. My love language is through actions, prioritizing quality time, physical contact, food and giving a helping hand. Inviting someone into my business world signifies trust and a desire for a meaningful relationship. Work is my life and I live to work because I love my work. My goal is to delegate more, allowing myself time to relax and practice the art of doing nothing. In the recent past, it looks more like a rollercoaster of intense work and then intense pleasure. I had often have 16 hours days, and balanced it out with a month tropical vacation. What I am currently working on is to scheduling down time, recognising that life is not solely about productivity, and prioritising enjoyment, sensations, pleasure, connection, and different forms of liberation.

Watch me build, fail, grow, and create. Watch me take over the world, no wait that is too much responsibility, hehehe.  Watch me create my own world of true pleasure, sensations, connection, and liberation. 

Photo by Jola Josie

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Last edited: May 2024

I am an entrepreneur by heart, constantly getting almost annoyed about how many business ideas I get and want to create. Help is always appreciated! 

Here are three that I have created, my goal is to a fewer than too many in the future. But I am already working on a fourth....

MY Businesses



Ostara is my dream from I was 19. After working over a decade in this industry, everything from cafés to Michelin stars restaurants, I got the desire to create my own.  A restaurant and bar to show how good plant based food can be, a place you drink because it taste good and not to get drunk and really give people an experience out of the ordinary.  I realised shortly after the impact a bar actually has on society's culture and community. Therefore my goal is to create an open minded, free space where you can be yourself and find connections with others, music and yourself.

I am the founder, 100% owner of Ostara restaurant and bar which opened in Nov 2019 in Oslo. Fun fact; I actually built 90% of the interior with my own two hands. It was 16h long days for three months, but one hell of a creative experience. Here we focus on natural wine, saké, sour beer, and vegetables. Every Wednesday we got live piano and on Thursday-Saturday we are serving dark sweaty techno and psy. In addition, we have breathwork, women circles, and naked naughty events on special days. 

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This business fell into my hands, literally. I have always had the urge to explore mye sexuality with women and non-binary, but didnt know where to go or even how. That is why Juicebox was created in 2018. 

Juicebox is events for women and non-binary. We hold almost 100 events per year with different themes, intentions and goals. For example we have; pool and villa parties,  sauna mingle, breathwork and creative workshops on BDSM, tantra and self love. I understood quickly that sex is not the goal here and how much sexuality is a vital part of our identity , physical and mental health, which has been shamed and suppressed by religion and society for 100s of years and how much this effects our freedom and perspective on our bodies and sexuality.  Therefor my goal with these events is to strength women networking, bonding and self-esteem.  Where my core business values is creating a community where we foster  sexual empowerment, sexual liberation, sexual education and sexual exploration.  


On average there are 30 guests at every party ranging everything from 20 to 60 years old. Mostly open minded, energetic and hard working women in all shapes, sizes and colors. We are around 6000 members in Norway and growing. 

Juicbox App

In 2021 we took Juicebox further and created my very first app. 

It has been one hell of journey as I was very naive and didn't realise how creating an app becomes a totally new and separate business, as it is a totally different and new industry. The possibilities are endless, but also never-ending of updates, bug fixes and improvements. 

The app is community and event orientated. The goal here is to celebrate sexuality, find and connect with other open-minded people and  get info about events and Juicebox. 

This baby is still new and constantly growing. Looking forward to what it will become.

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this ancient Japanese art form is a unique expression, with incredible sensual depth and personal connective mediation like no other. 

I have been practicing since 2018 and have held multiple performances in dance incorporation, floor work and suspension. In addition I host regular introduction classes. Sign up for the newsletter to get info on upcoming courses and performances. 

Are you interested in getting tied up and getting in touch with your feelings, healing and letting go? I am offering privat rope ritual sessions too deep dive into the world of rope, connection, sensuality, emotions and healing. Send me an email if you are interested and what your desires are. 

Performance art

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Performance art was never something I thought of doing. It was given to me. I literally just got called up one day and was asked to play Hedda Gabler by Vegard Vinge & Ida Müller at the Norske Teateret and ended up getting the main role, in 2022. Now I perform with them regularly each year. The universe delivers in mysterious ways. 

I have been behind the scenes on movies, dance performances and teater sets. But my favourite is the ones that are not really scripted. I favor the ones where you can bring out your inner rebel, devil, depression, and utterly crazy person. Cause when else can you do it? Performance art is an intense way of releasing inner demons, feelings and meeting your dark side with infatuation.  You are creating a fantasy, an alternate reality come true. No limits, no boundaries, just feeding on energetic reactions from the crowd. This is me creating my own realities. 

Hedda Gabler av Vegard Vinge & Ida Müller// Det norske teatret Juni 2022 // Photo Per Heimly

Shibari and dance choreography by Pedro Vavik Sanchez & Sofia Su // Jakob Kirke Mai 2019 // Photo: Mikael Ortenheim

Debussy & Rachmaninoff at Juicebox Royal Ball //  Gamle Logen,  November 2021 // Photo: Mirielle Design

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Evil twins blood ritual by Marie Brun & Sofia Su  at Rituals Rave // October 2021 // Photo: Suvision


In addition to this, I have also;

//practiced classical piano since 2016,

//have a mini casting agency side hustle for naked models,

//have graffitied almost 200 electronic boxes in Oslo,

// offer mentor and consulting for start-ups, entrepreneurs or guidance for people on their sexual and self-discovery, 

// Master Seal diploma from a culinary art school for plant food, at Mathew Kenney in LA,

// Volunteered and had internships at three different non-profit organization in Nepal, Vietnam and Uganda,

// do pottery as a meditation and sell pieces as another side hustle
// Create different types of events that are sex-and body positive, like Naked Techno by the name RAW. 

Live piano every Wednesday at Ostara


Pottery for sale at Ostara during opening hours

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2018-05-29 12.03.19.jpg
2019-05-28 18.01.18-2.jpg

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Coming soon!



Nrk EKKO (1:24:00)  2020 // Juicebox - jentesexfestene som tar av


Sykt ærlig med Martine 2020 // De ukjente sexfestene for kvinner


Klimaks 2020 // Sexfest, orgasme og jentesex

Magefølesen 2022 // Sofia Su. Om kvinnelig seksualitet, undertrykkelse, lyster, skam, seksuelle traumer, samtykke, grenser, preferanser, kropp og kjærlighet

Hennings Verden 2021 // Sofia Su: Sexfester, Seksualitet og Gründerlivet

Femihelse 2021 // Å utforske egen seksualitet

RåKvinner 2021 // Shibari Sofia

Magefølesen 2024 // Sofia Su. Sexuality, spirituality, energy, witching, sexual safety, trust issues, boundaries, consent, tantra....

G-Punktet 2024 // Sofia Su - Sexpositivisme, free the nipple og skittne rumpehull

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